1. About
In certain cases, we'll need transactions or reports we can't import automatically from your bank or financial institution.
In this article, we'll explain how to find the relevant reports we need from your Highbeam accounts and upload them into Finaloop.
2. Exporting a CSV file of your transactions from Highbeam
Here's your step-by-step guide on how to export a CSV file of your transactions from your Highbeam account
Here's your step-by-step guide on how to export a CSV file of your transactions from your Highbeam account
This guide will walk you through downloading a CSV file containing your transaction history for your Highbeam account.
What you'll need
Your Highbeam account login credentials (Username & Password)
Log in to your Highbeam account using your username and password.
On the left hand side of your screen, under “Accounts” click “Transactions".
On the 'Transactions' page, on the right hand side of the page you'll see the option to select a date range. Enter in the relevant date range from your mission and select “Export".
On the dropdown menu , select “Export as CSV” to save the CSV to your device.
Head over to your mission in Finaloop, and upload your Transaction CSV.
3. Exporting a bank statement from your Highbeam account
Here's your step-by-step guide on how to export a bank statement from your Highbeam account
Here's your step-by-step guide on how to export a bank statement from your Highbeam account
As part of our onboarding and year end reviews, we may ask for bank statements to confirm your bank balances and ensure your books are 100% accurate.
What you'll need
Your Highbeam account login credentials (Username & Password)
Log in to your Highbeam account using your username and password.
On the left hand side of your screen under “Accounts”, click on “Documents".
Under “Document type”, select "Statements" from the dropdown menu.
Under “Show Statements for”, select the relevant account listed in the mission.
Find the relevant statement and click “Download” to save the statement to your device.
Head over to your mission in Finaloop, and upload your statement.
If you have any questions or trouble finding the information you need, feel free to contact us at [email protected]!